Ariz Ahmed

I am a high-school student who works with hardware, software and everything in between.

Who am I?

Who am I?

I am a student who loves to learn about computers! I enjoy programming in a multitude of languages (Bash, Python, HTML, CSS, Juypter-Notebooks and SQL just to name a few!). I work with Linux distros on a daily basis (mostly Arch and Debian derivatives) and I am able to utilise the command-line to a great extent. I am working on learning more about VIM, Machine Learning, Penetration Testing (specifically Social-Engineering tools like SET and Metasploit). I often work with hardware, having built (and repaired) many PCs and Servers. I do a multitude of community work to help connect people in my community.I often help teach others more about staying safe online, and how to utilise their hardware to the fullest. I love working with others, and I aim to help others just like I have had people help me! Have a look at my GitHub Profile to see what I am up to, and what I am working on.

sample of JavaScript programming
Jupyter-Notebook Example
Server Hardware
Linux Pengiun
Image depicting the SET toolkit

Stay in touch with Ariz

I am happy to speak with anyone, whether that be through E-mail or GitHub, feel free to use one of the methods below!